Trade Expo Indonesia 2020 will have a different concept.
Ministry of Trade Launch of the Trade Expo Indonesia Virtual Exhibition (TEI-VE) which will be held on November 10-16 2020, which carries the theme of Sustainable Trade the Digital Era with the concept of displaying 3D images (three dimensions).
“With the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot stop, which means that we have to move forward. This is one of our efforts to fight Covid-19 with the Trade Expo Indonesia virtual exhibition. Where are some things that hopefully at this point we can increase our exports, “said Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto at the launch of the 2020 Trade Expo Indonesia Virtual Exhibition.
He continued, in connection with the current increase in exports due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Trade is transforming industry 4.0 by utilizing digital technology.
Therefore, to improve export facilities and services, export promotion and matching business, the Ministry of Trade is also scheduled a strategic activity, namely the Indonesian Trade Expo with a virtual exhibition which will be held on November 10 to 16.
“I also want to emphasize that this virtual exhibition consists of five first categories, namely the service sector, products, manufacturing, furniture, handicraft products, food and beverages as well as fashion and accessories,” he explained.

In addition, not only the trade expo of the Indonesia Virtual Exhibition but the Ministry of Trade also holds business to business matching, for example, there is a trade and tourism investment forum, one on one business matching, business forum and counseling, promotion and information services are conducted virtually. offline switch to online.
“So in essence we hope that here potential buyers will see how these producers and sellers can sell their products, and it will be inaugurated by the President on November 10, 2020 in conjunction with the awarding of the Primaniyarta award to outstanding exporters who have consistently become export heroes. “During this pandemic, we hope to become a role model for national exporters,” he said.
Thus, he hopes that TEI VE 2020 can open a new era of how holding this Expo can virtually increase the income of business actors, as well as increase new exporters as well as business players who can run a matching business virtually.
The Ministry of Trade (Ministry of Trade) reported that the 34th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2019 successfully achieved transactions of USD 10.96 billion or IDR 153.38 trillion. This value is an increase of 29.04 percent compared to last year’s achievement of USD 8.49 billion or IDR127.33 trillion.
The largest export exhibition in Indonesia was held at the International Convention Exhibition (ICE) Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Tangerang, Banten on October 16-20 yesterday.
“This year’s TEI succeeded in achieving a transaction value of USD 10.96 billion or Rp153.38 trillion. This achievement has increased by 29.04 percent compared to last year,” said Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto at the Ministry of Trade Building, Jakarta, Friday (25/10) 2019).
Agus reported, for product transactions at the 2019 TSI event, including goods trade transactions from the signing of a trade contract or MoU (USD 698.34 million), transactions at exhibition stands (USD 687.60 million), local trade missions (USD 50.63) million), exploration of trade agreements or business matching (USD 67.11 million), the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (USD 10.43 million), horticultural business forum (USD 8.78 million), as well as culinary and local food (USD 457.14 thousand).
Meanwhile, the value of service trade transactions was USD 120.08 million. Meanwhile, investment transactions booked a value of USD 9.29 billion.
At this TEI event, the country with the most transactions was Egypt, amounting to USD 270.51 million or around 18.13 percent of the total transaction value. Japan continued with USD 260.01 million (17.43 percent), China USD 201.52 million (13.51 percent), India USD 96.71 million (6.48 percent) and Britain USD 94.44 million (6.33 percent).
Meanwhile, the most popular products were processed food amounting to USD 390.26 million (26.16 percent), paper and paper products amounting to USD 289.64 million (19.41 percent), palm oil (Crude Palm Oil / CPO) for USD 166. , 65 million (11.17 percent), agricultural products amounting to USD 128.92 million (8.64 percent), and paper coffee amounting to USD 111.85 million (7.50 percent).
For the purchasing mission, during the implementation of the 34th TEI, 114 trade agreements were reached with a total contract value of USD 3.19 billion.
This value consists of investment transactions, goods products, such as processed food, paper and paper products, agricultural and plantation products, fishery products, cooking spices, and spices and others.
Meanwhile, business matching has resulted in 247 potential transactions with a value of USD 67.11 million. During the five days of TEI 2019, this business matching activity was attended by buyers from 36 countries.
“This shows that Indonesian exporters are able to convince foreign buyers to transact in the midst of increasingly fierce global competition. This means that exporters are able to produce products that suit market tastes, are highly competitive at competitive prices, as well as a professional attitude that fosters trust among buyers. international, “said Agus.
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