Indoor Furniture Sale | Summer Sale Indoor and Outdoor Furniture 2020

Indoor Furniture Sale | Summer Sale Furniture Wisanka

Buying furniture for many needs / projects both indoors and outdoors is difficult. It needs the right calculation and suitable supplier for your budget and plan. In addition, buying when the right time is the key so that you can reduce the cost of your purchasing budget. Is this the right time for that ? it’s time to replace the sofa or change the look of your house outside with a new patio set, it’s time to buy.

The Most Appropriate Time to Buy Furniture

The most appropriate time to buy furniture depends on the type of furniture you buy. Indoor furniture is cheap in winter or summer, while the best outdoor furniture sales occur between June and the end of August.

Indoor Furniture

According to its placement, indoor furniture can be in the form of furniture to fill bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, living rooms, and others. So that indoor furniture can be in the form of beds, kitchen cabinets, dining tables, guest chairs, sofas, wardrobe, and others. Right now is the right time to buy furniture, because we are currently having an “Indoor Furniture Sale” program

Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor Furniture is a type of furniture that is made with special resistance to be used outdoors. Until the end of August tomorrow we also have an Outdoor Furniture Sale program for all types of outdoor furniture.

Indoor Furniture Sale

Get a discount of 5% for all indoor and outdoor furniture purchases in July and August 2020 with certain conditions. Indoor Furniture Sale


Furniture, Lighting and Craft

Jl. Solo-Daleman No. 41 Baki 57556 Sukoharjo, Solo, Indonesia

Tel. : +62 811-2646-496
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