Located in Cirebon, West Java, this division provides more exclusive from synthetic rattan furniture and Lighting. Synthetic rattan furniture collection we have cover some area like swimming pool, restaurant, hotel, beach and many more. Carrying the modern contemporary design, we comes in various selection of living set, dining set, sofa, lounger, bar set and others occasional item which will beautify your place. On the other hand our original design of lighting are available both for indoor and outdoor uses. We present the design of light that has never existed before and has never made before in artisan feel. Showing the wealth of Indonesia in natural and cultural aspect reflected in our design.
Jln. Kisabalanang No. 46, Kertasari,Weru
Cirebon 45154, West Java, Indonesia
Tel. +62-231-325450 / 325451
Fax. +62-231-321946
Products : Synthetic Rattan Furniture and Lighting & Craft
Specialty : Contemporary Design
Material : PVC & Resin
Production capacity : 7 x 40HC containers per month
Warehouse : 8.000 m2
Number of employee : 68 persons
Job Vacancy
Website :
– www.syntheticrattanfurniture.com
– www.cirebonrattan.com
– www.lightingforliving.com
– www.indonesiaexportfurniture.com